Jira: removing transition from current status to itself (if All -> transition is turned on)

Small and duct-tapey resolution for the time, when you have an All -> [statusName] JIRA workflow transition.

By default, it results in the following: Default Ticket Screen shows transition from current to current status, among others. So e.g., you have an In Progress ticket, you have the transition to the very same In Progress. To avoid that, use simple conditioning for the transition:

  1. Go to transition Conditions
  2. Click Add New
  3. Select ‘Value Field’ from the given list
  4. Select logical operator ‘doesn’t equal’ / ‘!=’
  5. And put a value in it (name of current status, and the value to be handled as string)
Start Working is the transition name to the “In Progress” status
This is how it looks in Workflow

2017-10-06 15-52-01

2017-10-06 15-53-08

This works in the following way:

Perform Transition (if (Status doesn't equal string('currentStatus') condition is met).

@AtlassianTeam! A good UX would be something like a checkbox, checked by default, and labelled “Don’t show transition option to same status”.

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